Showing posts with label SSC JE 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSC JE 2018. Show all posts

Classification of Soil

Step A . Pass Soil sample through 75 micron sieve

More than 50 % soil sample retained : Coarse Grained Soil.

More than 50 % soil sample passing : Fine Grained Soil.

Step B. For Coarse Grained Soil.

) Pass the soil (retained on 75 micron sieve) through 4.75 mm sieve

More than 50 % soil sample retained : Gravel (G)

More than 50 % soil sample passing : Sand (S)

ii) Check the percent fines in the coarse fraction.

If Fines < 5 % -> Check Uniformity Coefficient and Coefficient of Curvature

Soil will termed as Poorly Graded and Well Graded.


If Fines > 12 % -> Check the nature of Fines from A -Line as Given below.

Step C. For Fine Grained Soil

i) Check the Clayey Fraction and Silt Fraction based on the Grain Size. Assign the 

Prefix C and M Accordingly.

ii) Using Atterberg Limits, Arrive at the Suffix, L, I, H and accordingly assign the 


This more or less completes the classification part of the soil. Now We will move towards 

What is the difference between Marble and Granite ?

All the site Engineers use to face the same question during the construction phase. Here we will try to give few points of difference between marble and granite. 

Point No. 01 :- 

Granite is a silicious rock which implies that silica predominates in this stone. 
Marble is a Calcareous Rock which implies that Calcium Carbonate predominates in this stone.

Point No. 02 :- 

Granite due to its chemical composition is not affected by the process of weathering.  
Marble however is not that durable. Due to presence of Calcium Carbonate its durability depends on the surrounding environment. For example Taj Mahal in Agra is made up of White Stones which are believed to be deteriorating due to pollution. 

Point No. 03 :- 

Granite is more strong. Compressive strength of Granite varies from 75 N/mm2 to        127 N/mm2. 
Marble is comparatively less stronger. Its compressive strength is around 71 N/mm2. 

Point No. 04 :- 

Carving (नक्कासी ) is difficult in case of granite and the reason can be better understand in relation with the Point No. 03 Above. 
Carving is easy in case of Marble.  Probably this is the reason of choosing Marble in Historic Structures. 

Point No. 05 :- 

in Terms of Origin, Granite is an Igneous Rock. 

Marble is a Metamorphic Rock.

Point No 06 :- 

In General, Granite is more costly compared to Marble. 

These are the basic differences between Granite and Marble.

If you have any query related to this Topic feel Free to ask in the comment section below.

Thank you.

Click Here to read about other topics related to Building Material and Construction. 



(a) Geo-technical Engineering : Soil exploration - planning & methods, Properties of soil, classification, various tests and inter-relationships; Permeability & Seepage, Compressibility, consolidation and Shearing resistance, Earth pressure theories and stress distribution in soil; Properties and uses of geo-synthetics.
(b) Foundation Engineering: Types of foundations & selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement analysis, design and testing of shallow & deep foundations; Slope stability analysis, Earthen embankments, Dams and Earth retaining structures: types, analysis and design, Principles of ground modifications.

Click on the link below for further information about the topics : 
  1. Soil Exploration 
  2. Properties of Soil 
  3. Soil Classification 
  4. Permeability and Seepage
  5. Compressibility
  6. Consolidation and Shearing Resistance. 
  7. Earth Pressure
  8. Geo Synthetics. 
  9. Foundation Engineering
  10. Earth Retaining Structures. 
  11. Ground Modification

Happy Reading

Please share your feedback and queries by commenting in the comment box below. 


IES Syllabus 

Stone, Lime, Glass, Plastics, Steel, FRP, Ceramics, Aluminum, Fly Ash, Basic Admixtures, Timber, Bricks and Aggregates: Classification, properties and selection criteria;Cement: Types, Composition, Properties, Uses, Specifications and various Tests; Lime & Cement Mortars and Concrete: Properties and various Tests; Design of Concrete Mixes: Proportioning of aggregates and methods of mix design.

Click on the Topics Given below for further information :- 

  1. Lime
  2. Stone
  3. Glass
  4. Plastics
  5. Steel
  6. FRP
  7. Ceramics
  8. Aluminium
  9. Fly Ash
  10. Basic Admixtures
  11. Timber
  12. Bricks
  13. Aggregates
  14. Cement
  15. Mortar
  16. Concrete
  17. What is the difference between Marble and Granite ?

Happy Reading. 

Please Share your feedback and queries in comment section below. 


Staff Selection Commission has recently announced the notification for Junior Engineer Examination 2018. 

Relevant Details are as follows :- 

Last Date to Apply 25-02-2019

Complete Notification will be available on the Website from 1 Feb 2019 onwards. 

Exam Date has already been published in the Annual Exam Calender of SSC. 

Click Here to Check the Cutoff of SSC JE 2017. 

Click Here for Exam Paper of SSC JE 2017. 

All other details will be posted here very soon. Stay Tuned. 

Comment your requirements in the Comment Section Below.