Classification of Soil
Step A . Pass Soil sample through 75 micron sieve
More than 50 % soil sample retained : Coarse Grained Soil.
More than 50 % soil sample passing : Fine Grained Soil.
Step B. For Coarse Grained Soil.
i ) Pass the soil (retained on 75 micron sieve) through 4.75 mm sieve
More than 50 % soil sample retained : Gravel (G)
More than 50 % soil sample passing : Sand (S)
ii) Check the percent fines in the coarse fraction.
If Fines < 5 % -> Check Uniformity Coefficient and Coefficient of Curvature
Soil will termed as Poorly Graded and Well Graded.
If Fines > 12 % -> Check the nature of Fines from A -Line as Given below.
Step C. For Fine Grained Soil
i) Check the Clayey Fraction and Silt Fraction based on the Grain Size. Assign the
Prefix C and M Accordingly.
ii) Using Atterberg Limits, Arrive at the Suffix, L, I, H and accordingly assign the
This more or less completes the classification part of the soil. Now We will move towards